Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

List of butterflies of India (Lycaenidae)

The Common Imperial (Cheritra freja) is a species of Lycaenid butterfly found in India.

The Common Silverline (Spindasis vulcanus)

The Indian Sunbeam (Curetis thetis) male

The Purple Sapphire (Heliophorus epicles) upperside view

The Centaur Oakblue (Nilasera centaurus)

The Fluffy Tit (Zeltus etolus)

The Yamfly (Loxura atymnus)

The Common Tit (Hypolycaena erylus)
This is a list of the butterflies of India belonging to the family Lycaenidae and an index to the species articles. This forms part of the full list of butterflies of India.
This list is based on Evans (1932) and includes 318 species belonging to 76-128 genera depending on taxonomy.


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