Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Butterflies of Amazon & Andes - 7

Butterflies of Amazon & Andes
Photographs © Adrian Hoskins ( unless otherwise stated )
The 450 photographs on these 8 pages depict some of the most beautiful and interesting butterflies occuring in the Neotropical region, an area which includes Central America, the Caribbean islands, the rainforests of the Amazon, and the cloudforests and grasslands of the Andes. Clicking on any image takes you to a page dedicated to that species, with additional photographs and a detailed species description.

Eresia eunice
Itaballia demophile Xenandra poliotactis Pyrrhogyra otolais
Cabirus procas Rhetus arcius Chloreuptychia agatha
Olynthus sp Mesosemia loruhama Historis acheronta
Hamadryas februa
Vehilius stictomenes Ithomeis aurantiaca Chalodeta chaonitis
Eurema daira Autochton bipunctatus Cissia terrestris
Agrias claudina Chamaelimnas tircis iaeris Memphis offa
Haetera piera
Adelotypa annulifera Asterope degandii Riodina lysippus
Urbanus dorantes Calycopis gentilla Baeotis bacaenis
Manerebia rubescens Nastra chao ? Corades chelonis
Hylephila phyleus
Steremnia monachella Podotricha telesiphe Lymanopoda ferruginosa
Lieinix nemesis Orophila diotima Perisama comnena
Lento ludo Polites vibex brettoides Serdis viridicans
Junonia genoveva
Memphis philumena Theagenes albiplaga Pteronymia veia
Punargenteus lamna Castilia angusta Mesosemia zorea
Altinote momina Crocozona coecias Eresia datis
Urbanus proteus
Manataria hercyna Myscelia capenas Perisama oppelii xanthica
Astraptes talus Myscelus draudti Tegosa etia
Bolla cupreiceps Phoebis philea Pierella lamia
Myscelus nobilis

source: learn about butterflies

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