Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Butterflies of Europe

Butterflies of Europe
Photographs © Adrian Hoskins ( unless otherwise stated )

source: learn about butterflies

The photographs on these 3 pages depict a representative selection of the butterflies occuring in the western Palaearctic region, which encompasses the British Isles, all of Europe, and the part of Africa which is north of the Sahara desert. Clicking on any of the images below takes you to a page dedicated to that species, where you will find additional photographs and a wealth of information about it's the habits and biology.
1 - Satyrinae, Heliconiinae, Nymphalinae, Limenitidinae, Libytheinae
2 - Apaturinae, Riodininae, Pieridae, Papilionidae
3 - Lycaenidae, Pyrginae, Heteropterinae, Hesperiinae

Pararge aegeria
Lasiommata megera
Lasiommata maera
Maniola jurtina
Aphantopus hyperantus
Lopinga achine
Melanargia galathea
Melanargia larissa
Pyronia tithonus
Hipparchia semele
Neohipparchia fatua
Brintesia circe
Hipparchia fagi
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha pamphilus
Coenonympha tullia
Coenonympha glycerion
Erebia medusa
Erebia epiphron
Erebia oeme
Erebia aethiops
Melitaea diamina
Melitaea didyma
Melitaea phoebe
Melitaea trivia
Melitaea cinxia
Melitaea cinxia
Mellicta athalia
Mellicta aurelia
Mellicta britomartis
Clossiana euphrosyne
Clossiana dia
Clossiana selene
Issoria lathonia
Brenthis hecate
Brenthis daphne
Brenthis ino
Argynnis niobe
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis aglaia
Argynnis paphia
Euphydryas aurinia
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis antiopa
Polygonia egea
Polygonia c-album
Nymphalis polychloros
Inachis io
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Araschnia levana ( spring )
Araschnia levana ( summer )
Limenitis reducta
Limenitis populi
Neptis rivularis
Limenitis camilla
Libythea celtis

1 - Satyrinae, Heliconiinae, Nymphalinae, Limenitidinae, Libytheinae
2 - Apaturinae, Riodininae, Pieridae, Papilionidae
3 - Lycaenidae, Pyrginae, Heteropterinae, Hesperiinae

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