Senin, 15 November 2010

Butterfly Gardening

Butterfly Gardening

Plants and Flowers That Attract Butterflies to Your Yard or Deck

Ladybugs Provide Natural Pest Control - Jon Sullivan,
Ladybugs Provide Natural Pest Control - Jon Sullivan,

If you choose the right plants and set up your garden in an appealing way, you can encourage butterflies to visit and even establish colonies in your area.

It is easy to plan a garden that will encourage butterflies to visit. The key is to provide a combination of nectar plants on which the butterflies can feed and larval food plants that will encourage them to reproduce in the area.

Planning the Garden

Butterflies are most active throughout the summer, particularly late summer, so plan your garden to have plenty of nectar-producing flowers over the course of the summer and early fall.
Most butterflies like full sunshine, so yard gardens or plants on the deck should be in full sun if possible. However, if you live near the woods, you may be able to attract members of the few species that prefer shade.

Use Natural Pest Control

When caring for a butterfly garden, it is important not to use pesticides or anything else that might be harmful to butterflies. Instead, you can plant marigold and mint, which act as natural insect repellents. If you have a large yard, planting onions throughout at random intervals will repel pests and stop the spread of root maggots.
Another method of natural pest control is attracting ladybugs to your garden. Plants that draw ladybugs include Angelica, Caraway, Cilantro, Coreopsis, Cosmos (particularly white), Dandelions, Dill, Fennel, Geraniums, Tansy and Yarrow. Ladybugs can also be purchased from certain garden supply stores.

Provide Nectar Plants

Overall, butterflies prefer flowers that are brightly colored, have strong scents and are native to the local area. Butterflies show the most interest in flowers that are dark pink, purple, red, orange or yellow.
Different butterfly species have their own food preferences, but there are certain plants and flowers that are appealing to a wide variety of butterflies, including:
  • Hibiscus
  • Lilac
  • Marigold
  • Phlox
  • Swamp Milkweed
  • Zinnia
  • Blazing Star
  • Lantana
  • Ironweed
  • Azalea
  • Purple Coneflower
  • Black-Eyed Susan
  • Redbud
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Goldenrod
  • Coreopsis
  • Joe-Pye Weed
  • Aster
  • Egyptian Star Flower
  • Verbena
  • Butterfly Bush
  • Butterfly Weed
  • Vervain
  • Daylillies
  • Oxeye Daisy

It is a good idea to plant a variety of different nectar sources in order to attract many different types of butterflies.

Have Plenty of Larval Food Plants

If you provide lots of plants that can serve as food for butterfly larvae, you will attract female butterflies and may even encourage entire butterfly colonies to establish in your area. The offspring of a number of North American butterflies feed on certain vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips, dill, alfalfa and clover. However, different species have different preferences, so it is a good idea to learn about the preferred foods of the butterflies that you wish to attract.
Monarch butterfly young prefer milkweed, and a number of other species like thistles or nettles. The larvae of many species also feed on certain trees, such as oaks, aspens, willows and cherries.
Butterflies usually lay eggs in late spring, and caterpillars pupate after 3 or 4 weeks, so it is important to have plenty of host plants in the late spring and early summer. After 9-14 days in their cocoons, caterpillars emerge as adult butterflies.

Additional Strategies

Butterflies are attracted to puddles, especially when sweet drinks are added to the water. A puddle can be easily made by burying an open container (such as a bowl or bucket) to its brim, adding sand or gravel until it is nearly full, and then filling the remaining space with water, a drink that contains fructose or stale beer.
Another way to attract butterflies is to leave a piece of overripe fruit, particularly a grapefruit or an orange, out for a few days so that it spoils, and then place it on a hanging plate or lid for butterflies to feed on. This may attract other bugs as well, so it’s best not to place this sort of feeder right by your window or door.

Further Reading

To learn more about butterfly gardening in North America, see Butterfly Gardening: Creating Summer Magic in Your Garden by the Xerces Society. Butterfly houses, garden centers, nurseries and botanical gardens are also good places to obtain more information about butterfly gardening.
For more information on attracting, feeding and protecting butterflies and hummingbirds, please see How to Make a Butterfly Feeder, Natural Pest Control and Hummingbird Gardening.
  • Bailey, S. (n.d.). “How to Make Butterfly Gardens.” University of Kentucky, Kentucky State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Kentucky Counties.
  •, a division of the Missouri Botanical Garden. (2008). “Butterfly Gardening.”
  • Government of Canada – Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility. (2003). “Butterfly Gardening.” Reproduced with permission from The Butterflies of Canada by Layberry, R.A.; Hall, P.W.; & Lafontaine, J.D., University of Toronto Press, 1998.
  • Government of Yukon. (2007). “Natural Pest Control for Your Garden.”
  • Hamir, A. (2008). “Luring Ladybugs into Your Garden – Garden Pest Tip.”
  • Jones, R. (n.d.) “Butterfly Nectar Plants.”

  • Butterfly Showing Its Tongue - Jennifer Copley
    Butterfly Showing Its Tongue - Jennifer Copley
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
  • Ladybugs Provide Natural Pest Control - Jon Sullivan,
    Ladybugs Provide Natural Pest Control - Jon Sullivan,
  • Butterfly Showing Its Tongue - Jennifer Copley
    Butterfly Showing Its Tongue - Jennifer Copley
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
  • Ladybugs Provide Natural Pest Control - Jon Sullivan,
    Ladybugs Provide Natural Pest Control - Jon Sullivan,
  • Butterfly Showing Its Tongue - Jennifer Copley
    Butterfly Showing Its Tongue - Jennifer Copley
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
  • Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,
    Butterfly - Jon Sullivan,

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