We try to keep this list as accurate as possible, but changes occur often. If you have updated information for us, please click HERE to enter the info in a form, or simply email us at butterfly@mikulawebsolutions.com If you are planning on visiting any of these exhibits, please check their websites or call them for current information. Some information might be out-of-date.
- Butterfly World South Africa
- P.O. Box 41
- Klapmuts 7625
- Phone: ++27-21-8755628
- Fax: ++27 -21-8755230
- Website: http://www.places.co.za/html/butterflyworld.html
- Email: esther@yebo.co.za
- Butterflies for Africa
- 37 Willowton Rd
- Pietermaritzburg, 3201
- Phone: +27-33-3871356
- Website: http://www.butterflies.co.za/
- The Butterfly Centre - African Butterfly Research Institute
- P.O. Box 14308
- 256 Dagoretti Road
- Karen, Nairobi
- Phone: 011-254-2-884972
- Fax: 011-254-2-884554
- Email: collinsabri@iconnect.co.ke
- Kipepeo Butterfly Farm
- P.O. Box 58
- Malindi, Coast Province
- 80208-Gede
- Phone: 011-254-42-32380
- Fax: 011-254-42-32380
- Website: http://www.kipepeo.com
- Email: kipepeo@africaonline.co.ke
- Ludwig's Roses Butterfly Wonderland
- Pretoria
- Phone: +27824703719
- Fax: +27865437595
- Website: http://www.ludwigsroses.co.za
- Email: melani.hugo@gmail.com
- Mariposas del Mundo - Museum of Entomology
- Buenos Aires; Phone 54-1-664-2108
- Coffs Harbour Butterfly House
- 5 Strouds Road, Bonville
- New South Wales 2441
- Phone: 011-61-2-6653-4766
- Fax: 011-61-2-6653-4766
- Website: http://www.butterflyhouse.com.au
- Email: butterflyhouse@bigpond.com
- Australian Butterfly Sanctuary
- P.O. Box 345, Kennedy Highway
- Kuranda, Queensland 4872
- Phone: 61 7 4093 7575
- Website: http://www.australianbutterflies.com/index.html
- Email: ulysses@australianbutterflies.com
- Butterfly House, Perth Zoo
- PO Box 489
- South Perth 6951
- Western Australia
- Website: http://www.perthzoo.wa.gov.au/
- Email: email@perthzoo.wa.gov.au
- Melbourne Zoo
- Parkville, Vic. 3052
- Phone: 61-3-9285 9300
- Fax: 61-3-9285 9350
- Website: http://www.zoo.org.au/
- Email: mz@zoo.org.au
- Butterfly World
- Townsville, Queensland
- Website: http://www.barrierreefaustralia.com/townsville/
- Schmetterlinghaus in Burggarten
- Palmenhaus. Hofburg. Wien 1010; Phone: 0043 1 5338570. Open all year.
- The Butterfly Garden of Knokke
- At the Bronlaan, 14 lies the 'Butterfly garden'. This is a 425 m² large tropically heated greenhouse with little ponds that are decorated with water lillies and small waterfalls. In the artificial garden hundreds of exotic butterflies are kept. Open daily between 10 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. from 21st March until the first weekend of October.
- Tropical Wings Nature Center
- A screened and landscaped 42'x60'x21’ butterfly house, spotlighting a wide variety of free-flying butterflies native to Belize. Cayo District, Belize.
- Butterfly Breeding Center at Shipstern Nature Reserve
- P.O. Box 160 - 3210 Kerzers/Chiètres FR - Phone +41 (0) 31 756 04 61 - Fax +41 (0) 31 756 04 69
- Green Hills Butterfly Ranch and Botanical Collections
- Mile 8 Chiquibul Road (Cayo), P.O. Box 208, Belmopan, Belize; Tel/fax (501) 820-4017.
- Provincial Museum of Alberta
- 12845 102 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta T5N OM6 Phone 403-453-9178. For general infromation, phone 403-453-9100. Contact: Terry Thormin
- Devonian Botanic Gardens - Butterfly House
- University of Alberta, Edmonton AB T6G 2E1 Ian Dymock, Program Administrator (Phone: 780-987-2496) idymock@ualberta.ca
- Calgary Zoo, Butterfly Exhibit - Butterfly House
- 1300 Zoo Road NE, Calgary AB T2E 7V6 Belinda Mainprize, Curator of Butterflies (Phone: 403-232-9300 or 800-588-9993)
- Butterfly World - Butterfly House
- P.O. Box 36, 1080 Winchester Road, Coombs, British Columbia V0R 1M0, Phone 604-248-7026.
- Victoria Butterfly Gardens - Butterfly House
- 1461 Benvenuto Avenue, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1R3; Phone 250-652-3822; Fax 250-652-4683 Carl Johnson, Proprietor: butterfly@victoriabc.com
- Victoria Bug Zoo - Insect Zoo
- 631 Courtney Street, Victoria BC V8W 1B8 Contact: Carol Maier Phone: 250-384-2847 cmaier@bugzoo.bc.ca
- The Bug Lab Invertebrate Museum
- 616 Columbia St., New Westminster, BC Phone: 604-523-2847 The Bug Lab is an exhibit of live invertebrates and interactive insect games. Visitors become Junior Entomologists, are given a lab j acket and a clipboard of age appropriate questions, and observe the invertebrates on display. thebuglab@telus.net
- Green Village - Butterfly House
- 686 Riverwide Drive, Fredricton NB E3A 8C2 Phone: 506-450-3388 Andy Buyting - abuyting@greenvillage.net
- Newfoundland Insectarium - Butterfly House & Insect Zoo
- 2 Bonne Bay Road, Reidville, Newfoundland; contact Lloyd Hollett, 709-635-4545
- Wings of Paradise Butterfly House, Canada's Naturium
- 2500 Kossuth Road, Cambridge, Ontario N3H 4R7, Phone 519-653-1234; Doug Wilson, President & CEO
- The Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory - Butterfly House
- P.O. Box 150, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6T2, Phone 905-356-7670 x 242, FAX 905-356-5488.
- Metro Toronto Zoo - Insect Zoo & Butterfly House
- 38 Donna Cona Crescent, Scarborough ON M1E 3P9 Lydia Attard, Entomologist or Tom Mason - Tmason@torontozoo.ta (Phone: 716-392-5972
- Toronto Nature Centre - Butterfly House
- 16 Dundurn Crescent, Toronto ON M6C 1H4 Jim Lovisek, Curator of Butterflies
- Science North - Butterfly House
- 100 Chemin Ramsay Lake Road, Sudbury, ON P3E 5S9 (Phone: 705-522-3701, Ext. 249) Julie Moskalyk (moskalyk@sciencenorth.on.ca)
- Urquhart Butterfly Garden
- Centennial Park, Dundas, Ontario
- Butterflies and Blooms, Butterfly Conservatory
- 23834 Hwy # 48, Box 61, Baldwin, ON Phone: 905-722-5849, Fax: 905-722-3157 Native and Tropical Butterflies Conservatory located in a beautiful indoor and outdoor gardens. You can observe native Canadians and Tropical Butterflies from South and Central America and the Philippines. Gift shop. Open daily from June to September, 10am -5pm. Hourly tours with guide. Weddings and special occasions. bwillow@ils.net
- L'Insectarium de Montreal - Butterfly House & Insect Zoo
- 4581 Rue Sherbrooke Est, Montreal Phone: 514-872-0658. Stephane Le Tirant, Curator; insectarium@ville.montreal.qc.ca.
- Biodome de Montreal - Butterfly House
- 4777 Avenue Pierre-De Courbertin, Montreal QC H1V 1B3 Susan Johnson, Entomologiste Susan_Johnson@ville.montreal.gc
- Centre Jardin Hamel - Butterfly House
- 6029 Boulevard Hamel, Ancienne-Lorett QC G2E 2H3 Chantal Tremblay, Curator of Butterflies Phone: 418-871-6010
- La Maison des Insects
- 366 Giard, Beauport QC G1C 6C2 Phone: 418-660-6828 marc.parrot@aln.ulaval.ca
- Wilson's Greenhouse
- 1129 Avenue T South, Saskatoon SK S7M 3B6, (Phone: 306-955-9580) wilsonsgreenhouse@saskatel.net
- Insects and Snails Museum
- Pueblito Parque O'Higgins, Local 6., Santiago, Fax to Roberto Perez de Acre (2)5568576.
- Metamorphosis- Mariposas de Colombia
- Calle 2 Oeste No. 2- 21 Apt. 503, Cali, Valle
- Phone: 091- 8935807
- Email: metamorphosis@telesat.com.co ; lmcons@hotmail.com
Costa Rica
- The Butterfly Farm
- Apdo. 2132 - 4050 LaGuacima de Alajuela; Phone 506-438-0400
- Spirogyra Butterfly Garden
- San Jose
- Monteverde Butterfly Garden
- Phone: (506) 2645-5874 info@monteverdetours.com
- La Selva Butterfly Farm
- Primary Forest-Ecuadorian Amazon, P.O. Box 17-12-635, Quito; Tel: +593 2 550995 / 545425 / 554686, Fax: +593 2 567297; e-mail: laselva@uio.satnet.net "A PLACE DESIGNED TO PRESENT AN ECOLOGICAL, SUSTAINABLE, ALTERNATIVE WAY TO HELP WITH THE CONSERVATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT."
- Butterfly World & Fountain World
- Staplers Road, Wooton, Ryde
- Isle of Wight, PO33 4RW
- Phone: 011-44-1983-883430
- Fax: 011-44-1983-883430
- Website: http://www.butterfly-world-iow.co.uk
- Email: mgc.bw@virgin.net
- The Butterfly & Wildlife Park
- Long Sutton, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE12 9LE
- Phone: 01406 363833
- Fax: 01406 363182
- Website: http://www.butterflyandwildlifepark.co.uk/
- Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm
- Swan's Nest Lane
- Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7LS
- Phone: 011-44-1789-299288
- Fax: 011-44-1789-415-878
- Website: http://www.butterflyfarm.co.uk
- Email: sales@butterflyfarm.co.uk
- Berkeley Butterfly House
- Berkeley Castle, Berkeley
- Gloucestershire GL13 9BQ
- Phone: 044 1453 810332
- Fax: 044 1453 512995
- Website: http://www.ukattraction.com/heart-of-england/berkeley-butterfly-house.htm
- Email: info@berkeley-castle.com
- Blenheim Palace Butterfly House
- Blenheim Park, Woodstock
- Oxford OX7 1PY
- Phone: 00 44 8700 60 20 80
- Fax: 00 44 1993 810 570
- Website: http://www.blenheimpalace.com/Park%20and%20Gardens_files/butterflyhouse.htm
- Email: operations@blenheimpalace.com
- Butterfly and Insect House
- Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 3PX
- Phone: 01827 880250
- Fax: 01827 880700
- Website: http://www.twycrosszoo.com/
- The Butterfly Centre
- Macfarlanes Nursery
- Swingfield, Dover, Kent
- Phone: 44-01-303-83244
- Buckfast Butterflies and Dartmoor Otter Sanctuary
- Buckfast Steam & Leisure Park,
- Buckfastleigh
- Devon
- Phone: 01364 642916
- Website: http://www.ottersandbutterflies.co.uk/
- .
- The Butterfly House
- Cotswold Wildlife Park & Gardens
- Burford, Oxfordshire
- Phone: 44 (0)1993 823006
- Website: http://www.cotswoldwildlifepark.co.uk/
- The Butterfly House
- Williamson Park
- Lancaster LA1 1UX
- Phone: 01524 33318
- Website: http://www.williamsonpark.com/
- Butterfly World
- Rolston Road
- Hornsea, East Yorkshire HU18 1UT
- Phone: (01964) 534211
- Fax: (01964) 536363
- Website: http://www.driffield.co.uk/visitor.htm
- Eastbourne Butterfly Centre Ltd.
- Royal Parade
- Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 7AQ
- Phone: 01323 645522
- Jersey Butterfly Farm
- Haute Tombette
- St. Mary, Jersey, Channel Islands
- Phone: 01534 81707
- London Zoological Gardens, Insect House
- Regents Park
- London
- Website: http://www.landscape.gre.ac.uk/lguide/thezoo1.htm
- Long Sutton Butterfly Park
- Long Sutton, Spalding
- Lincolnshire, PE12 9LE
- Phone: 44-01-406-363833
- Longleat Butterfly Garden
- The Estate Office
- Longleat, Warminster
- Wiltshire BA12 7NW
- Website: http://www.longleat.co.uk/attractions/butterfly-garden.asp
- Mole Hall Wildlife Park & Butterfly Pavilion
- Widdington Saffron
- Walden Essex CB11 3SS
- Phone: 01799-540400
- Fax: 01799-542408
- Website: http://www.molehall.com/
- Natureland Marine Zoo
- North Pde
- Skegness
- Lincolnshire PE25 1DB
- Tropical Butterflies Ltd.
- Colethorpe Lane
- Barrow, Bury St.
- Edmunds IP29 5BG
- Phone: 01284 810859
- Tropical World
- Roundhay Park
- Leeds
- Website: http://www.forp.co.uk/
- Studley Grange Butterfly World
- Hay Lane
- Wroughton
- Swindon Wiltshire
- Phone: 01793 852400
- Fax: 01793 852408
- Website: http://www.studleygrange .co.uk
- Email: info@studleygrange.co.uk
- New Ferry Butterfly Park
- Howell Road
- New Ferry
- Wirral,CH62 5
- Website: www.newferrybutterflypark.co.uk
- Email: newferrybutterflypark@gmail.com
- Butterfly World Limited
- Preston Park
- Yarm Road
- Stockyon-on-Tees Cleveland
- Phone: 44 (0) 1642 791414
- Website: http://butterflyworldltd.com
- Email: garethswelsh@hotmail.com
- Butterfly Garden at University of Joensuu
- Heinäpurontie 70, Joensuu (Linnunlahti)
- Phone: 358-13-251 2630
- Fax: 358-13-251 2711
- Website: http://www.joensuu.fi/Botania/english.html
- Chateau de Goulaine
- Haute-Goulaine, 44115 Basse-Goulaine, Phone
- Decouverte Entomologique
- Le Petit Chauffaut, 35610 Pleine Fougeres, Phone
- Jardin Des Plantes Vivarium
- 57 Rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, Phone 43. 31. 78. 79.
- Jardins des Papillons
- Pepinieres de Haute-Normandie, 1215 Route de Neufchatel, RN 28, 76230, Isneauville, Phone 35. 61. 31. 22.
- Jardins des Plantes Vivarium
- 57 Rue Cuvier, 75005, Paris; Phone 43. 31. 78. 79.
- La Jungle des Papillons
- Antibes- Angle RN7 et Route de Biot (Marineland), 06600 Antibes, Phone 93. 33. 55. 77
- Epernay- 63 bis, Avenue de Champagne, 51200 Epernay, Phone 26. 55. 15. 33.
- La Voliere A Papillons
- Maison Paris-Nature, Pavillon 6, Parc Floral de Paris, Bois de Vincennes, 75012 Paris.
- Musee des Papillons- Insectarium
- Foret de Chize, 79360 Beavoir-Sur-Niort, Phone 49. 09. 61. 14.
- Parc Floral de Paris
- Maison Paris Nature, Toute de la Pyramide, 94300 Vincennes, Phone 43. 28. 47. 63.
- Butterfly House - Mainau Island
- Abteilung Souvenir, D-78465 Insel Mainau
- Phone: +49 (0)7531-303-0
- Fax: +49 (0)7531-303-166
- Website: http://www.mainau.de
- Email: souvenir@mainau.de
- Garten der Schmetterlinge Schloss Sayn
- Im Fürstlichen Schlosspark
- Sayn, D-56170
- Phone: 011-49-2622-15478
- Fax: 011-49-2622-15479
- Website: http://www.sayn.de
- Email: schmetterlinge@sayn.de
- Mariposario Antigua
- PHONE/FAX: (502) 4768073; ADRESS: 7 AV. 20-40 ZONA 11 MARISCAL; Contact EIKA BOBURG
- Insectarium Hortus Haren
- P.O. Box 174, 9750 AD Haren.
- Noorder Zoo
- P.O. Box 1010, 7801 BA Emmen.
- La Ceiba Butterfly & Insect Museum
- La Ceiba, Honduras. Click HERE to view writeup contributed by Derek A. Parent.
- Tropical Farms & Gardens
- Apartoda 1157, La Ceiba, Honduras; Fax 504-43-2272; e-mail.
Hong Kong
- Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden
- Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories; Phone 852-2488 6192; Fax 852-2488-3035; e-mail kfkykiu@HK.Super.Net .
- Birdwings regularly seen here. Interpretive displays describing life cycles.
- Budapest Zoo Insectarium
- c/o Dr. L. Halmayi, Pf. 469, H-1371 Budapest.
- Shillong Butterfly Museum
- Meghalaya
- Assam
- Website: http://www.india9.com/i9show/Butterfly-Museum-28471.htm
- Butterfly Park, Bannerghatta National Park
- Bangalore
- Karnataka
- Taman Kupu Kupu (Bali Butterfly Park)
- Wanasari, Tabanan, Bali
- Phone: +62 361 814 282
- Website: http://www.99bali.com/recreation/butterfly/
- Butterfly Arc
- Via Scavi 21 Bis
- Montegrotto Terme, Padova
- 35036
- Phone: 011-39-0498910189
- Fax: 011-39-0498910189
- Website: http://www.butterflyarc.it
- Email: info@butterflyarc.it
- Casa Delle Farfalle di Bordano
- Cooperativa Pavees
- Via Principale 67
- Bordano, Udine 33010
- Phone: 011-39-0632988135
- Fax: 011-39-0632988821
- Website: http://www.casaperlefarfalle.it
- Email: info@casaperlefarfalle.it
- Casa Delle Farfalle Monteserra
- Via Garibaldi 429
- Viagrande, CT 95029
- Phone: 011-39-957893427
- Fax: 011-39-957893427
- Website: http://www.parcomonteserra.it
- Email: susannacaruso@inwind.it
- Nawa Insect Museum
- Gifu Park, 2-18 Ohmiya-cho, Gifu City.
- Tama Zoo Insectarium
- 7-1-1 Hodokubo, Hino-shi, Tokyo; Phone 0425(91)1611
- Jardin des Papillons
- Societe Mosellane
- Route de Treves
- Grevenmacher, L-6793
- Phone: 011-352-758539
- Fax: 011-352-750606
- Website: http://www.bernard-massard.com
- Email: info@bernard-massard.lu
- Penang Butterfly Farm
- No. 830, Jalan, Teluk Bahang
- Penang, 11050
- Phone: 011-604-885-1253
- Fax: 011-604-885-2011/885-1741
- Website: http://www.butterfly-insect.com
- Email: info@butterfly-insect.com
- Display native Malaysian butterflies year-round.
- The Butterfly Park
- Kuala Lumpur
- Phone: +60 3 2693 4799
- Website: http://www.geographia.com/malaysia/klparks.html
- Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary
- Donata Guerra, Mexico
- X-mahana at African Safari Zoo
- 11 Oriente #2407, Col. Azcarate Puebla, Mexico
- Xcaret Butterfly Pavillion
- Quintana Roo, Mexico
New Zealand
- Butterfly Creek
- Tom Pearce Drive, Auckland Airport
- Auckland
- Phone: 0064 9 275 8880
- Fax: 0064 9 275 1110
- Website: http://www.butterflycreek.co.nz
- West Lynn Gardens' Butterfly House
- 73 Parker Ave, New Lynn
- Auckland
- Phone: +64 9 827-7045
- Fax: +64 9 827-8995
- Website: http://www.westlynngarden.org.nz/index.html
- Email: enquiries@westlynngarden.org.nz
- Butterfly & Orchid Garden
- Dickson Holiday Park
- Victoria Street, Tararu
- Thames
- Phone: 07 86 88 080
- Fax: 07 86 85 648
- Website: http://www.butterfly.co.nz/home.htm
- Email: info@butterfly.co.nz
- st.
- Otago Museum
- 419 Great King Street
- Dunedin 9016
- Phone: +64 (0)3 474 7474
- Website: http://www.otagomuseum.govt.nz
- Email: astrid.ellison@otagomuseum.govt.nz
- Sommerfuglparken - Det biologiske mangfold !
- Forusbeen 337
- 4312 Sandnes
- Phone: +47 476 78 033
- Website: http://www.sommerfuglparken.no
- Flora Farm Butterfly House
- Manila Seedling Bank Foundation
- Quezon Avenue Corner EDSA
- Quezon City, Luzon
- Phone: 011-63-2-9204113
- Fax: 011-63-2-9204113
- WHS Butterfly Farm
- Pangi, Gasan, Marinduque
- Phone: (63)42-3421016
- Website: http://www.marinduque-butterfly.com
- Email: info@marinduque-butterfly.com
- Simply Butterflies Conservation Center
- Poblacion
- Bilar
- Bohol
- Phone: 63-38-535-9400
- Website: http://simplybutterfliesproject.com
- Email: simplybutterflies@gmail.com
- Moscow Zoo
- Moscow; Phone (095) 252-14-55.
- Edinburgh Butterfly and Insect World
- Dobbies Garden World, Melville Nursery, Lasswade
- Edinburgh, Midlothian EH18 1AZ
- Phone: 011-44-131-663-4932
- Fax: 011-44-131-654-2774
- Website: http://www.edinburgh-butterfly-world.co.uk
- Email: info@edinburgh-butterfly-world.co.uk
- Tropical butterflies year round.
- The Arran Butterfly Farm
- Machrie Bay
- Isle of Arran
- KA27 8DX
- Phone: (+44) 0131 477 6550
- Website: http://www.arranbutterflyfarm.co.uk
- Email: post@arranbutterflyfarm.co.uk
- World Insectarium and Butterfly Park
- Sentosa Island. Click HERE for details.
Spain & Canary Islands
- Mariposario del Drago
- Avenida de Canarias S/N
- Icod de los Vinos
- Tenerife, Islas Canarias (Canary Islands) 38430
- Phone: 011-34-922-815167
- Fax: 011-34-922-814543
- Website: http://www.mariposario.com
- Email: mariposario@wanadoo.es
- Tropical butterflies year round.
- ButterflyPark Empuriabrava
- Carrer Sta. Clara
- Empuriabrava, Gerona
- 17487
- Phone: 011-34-649-977061
- Fax: 011-34-972-452037
- Website: http://www.butterflypark.es
- Email: butterflyparkempuria@hotmail.com
- Tropical butterflies April thru October
- Santillana Zoo
- Avda. Antonio Sandi, 12.
- Santillana del Mar, CP: 39330,
- Cantanbria
- Phone: 0034-942818125
- Fax: 0034.942818365
- Website: http://www.zoosantillanadelmar.com
- Email: research@zoosantillanadelmar.com
- Parque de las Ciencias
- Avda/ del Mediterraneo s/n
- 18006 Granada
- Phone: +34 958 131 900
- Website: http://www.parqueciencias.com/
- Email: web@parqueciencias.com
- Fjarilshuset
- Hagaparken
- 17153 Stockholm, Solna; Phone: 00468274190; Fax: 00468834818
- Papliliorama-Nocturama Tropical Gardens/Neuchatel Butterfly Farm
- P.O. Box CH-2074 Marin-Epagnier, Switzerland; Phone +41 32 753 4344, Fax +41 32 753 4350.
- Insectarium of Taipei Zoo
- Taipei Zoo No.30 Sec.2 Xinguang Rd, Taipei City 11656 Phone: 886-2-2938-2300 The Insectarium is the newest addition to the Zoo, and is a two-story building situated in a small valley. A huge stag beetle welcomes all visitors in the lobby. Behind the Insectarium is a ten-hectare valley where outdoor educational hiking is conducted, in the company of over 125 species of butterflies. dwx14@zoo.gov.tw
- Phuket Butterfly Garden & Insect World
- 71/6 Moo 5, Soi paneung Yaowarat Road, T. Rassada, A. Muang Phuket, 83000, Thailand Tel: +66-(0)-7621-0861 www.phuketbutterfly.com wasin_koysiripong@yahoo.co.
- Maeram Orchid and Butterfly Farm
- (Managed by Maeram Orchid Ltd. Part.) 3/1 Moo 1, KM 5.5 Maerim-Samuang Hwy, Maerim, Chiangmai 50180; Phone (+66) (0)53 298801, 298802; Fax (66 53) 297982
- Bai Orchid-Butterfly Farm
- 3/1 Moo 7 Rimtai Maerim
- Chiangmai 50180 Thailand
- Tel. (66-53) 299588
- Siam Insect-Zoo and Museum
- Mae Rim-Samoeng Rd., Chiang Mai insectzoos@hotmail.com Phone: 089 1848475
(Alphabetically by state)
- Biophilia Nature Center's Butterfly Garden
- Elberta, AL - Small indoor garden with native butterflies in all stages of the life cycle, in season. The Center consists of 20 acres which are being restored with native vegetation, including wildflower meadows full of butterfly larva and adult host plants. Hours change seasonally and cost is minimal or none, depending upon the season.
- Birmingham Zoo Insectarium
- 2630 Cahaba Road, Birmingham, AL 35223.
- Huntsville-Madison County Botanical Garden
- Huntsville, AL; Butterfly House exhibit will open Memorial Day weekend and run through Labor Day.
- Desert Botanical Garden
- Phoenix, AZ; Phone: 480-941-1225. Maxine and Jonathan Marshall Butterfly Pavilion, open March - May.
- Sonoran Arthropod Studies, Inc. (SASI) Insect Zoo
- 2437 North Stone Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85703
- Tucson Botanical Gardens
- 2150 N. Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ; Phone 520-326-9686.
CALIFORNIA- The Living Desert
- 47-900 Portola Ave., Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-346-5694, Butterfly exhibit open Oct. thru April
- San Diego Zoo Butterfly Jungle
- See website for details
- Greater Los Angeles Zoo
- 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027-1498, Phone 213-664-1100.
- The Insect Zoo
- Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90000, Phone 213-744-3558
- Butterfly House at Turtle Bay Museum and Arboretum
- Paul Bunyan's Forest Camp, 836 Auditorium Dr., Redding, CA; phone (530)243-8850.
- San Francisco Zoological Society Insect Zoo
- Zoo Road and Skyline Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94132.
- Marine World Africa -USA
- Marine World Parkway (Junction of I-80 and California 37), Vallejo, CA 94589, Phone 707-643-6722.
- Western Colorado Botanical Gardens & Butterfly House
- Grand Junction, CO; Phone (970) 245-3288
- Butterfly Pavilion and Insect Center
- 6252 West 104th Avenue, Westminster, CO 80020, Phone 303-469-5441.
National Zoological Park - Pollinarium- 3000 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008, Phone 202-673-4789.
- Smithsonian Butterfly Habitat Garden
- Between 9th St. tunnel and the Natural History Museum (East Side)
- Smithsonian Insect Zoo
- Smithsonian Institute, National Museum of Natural History, Tenth and Constitution Avenues, NW, Washington, DC 20560, Phone 202-673-4717.
Butterfly House at Ashland Nature Center- Hockessin, DE
- Butterfly World
- Tradewinds Park
- 3600 W. Sample Road
- Coconut Creek, FL 33073 USA
- Phone: 954-977-4400
- Email: gardens@butterflyworld.com
- Open 7 days a week, 9-5 daily -- 1-5 Sunday, Admission Gate Closes at 4:00pm
- Butterfly Haven
- Arnold's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc
- Okeechobee, FL
- suearnold@hughes.net or 863-763-4630
- A 1/2 acre free roaming butterfly garden with 2000 plants, built in the shape of the zebra longwing butterfly(FL. state butterfly). There were 56 species in our NABA count this year! Hours are 9-5 everyday. There is a donation fee.
- The Butterfly Rainforest
- Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville
- The Butterfly Rainforest is the world’s second largest collection of live butterflies – from 55 to 65 species at any given time, from as far away as Australia and Africa. Visit the “Wall of Wings” at the entrance, a three-story display of butterflies and moths, then go inside for an interactive adventure through the rainforest itself.
- Panhandle Butterfly House
- Navarre, FL
- Yearly May 1 through Labor Day
- Wings of Wonder Butterfly Conservatory at Cypress Gardens
- Cypress Gardens Adventure Park
- 6000 Cypress Gardens Blvd.
- Winter Haven, FL 33884
- Phone: (863) 324-2111
- Brevard Zoo
- 8225 N. Wickham Road
- Melbourne, FL 32940
- Phone: (321) 254-9453
- Fax: (321) 259-5966
- Email: info@brevardzoo.org
- Open-Air Butterfly Garden
- Caribbean Gardens, the Zoo in Naples
- 1590 Goodlette-Frank Road
- Naples FL 34102-5260
- Phone: (239) 262-5409
- Email: info@caribbeangardens.com
- Open-Air Butterfly Garden
- The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservancy
- 1316 Duval Street
- Key West, Florida 33040
- (305) 296-2988 | (800) 839-4647
- email: info@keywestbutterfly.com
- Central Florida Zoo
- P.O. Box 470309
- Lake Monroe, Florida 32747-0309
- Phone: (407) 323-4450
- Fax: (407) 321-0900
- Email: information@centralfloridazoo.org
- Butterfly Sensory Garden
- Miami Metrozoo
- 1 Zoo Boulevard
- 12400 SW 152 Street
- Miami, FL 33177
- Phone: (305) 251-0400
- Fax: (305) 378-6381
- Seasonal Butterfly Event (with live native species); Open-Air Butterfly Gardens
The Day Butterfly Center- Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, GA 31822-2000, Phone 706-663-2281.
Foster Botanical Garden Butterfly Habitat- 409 Lelekepue Place, Honolulu, Hawaii 96821-2522; (808) 373-4200
- This butterfly habitat was dedicated 11/21/08. It is a joint venture between the City & County of Honolulu and The Butterfly Society of Hawaii. Garden is certified by North American Butterfly Association. Open to the public 9-4 daily. Admission $5 to the whole botanical garden, of which this is a new attraction.
Brookfield Zoo- 3300 Golf Road, Brookfield, IL 60513, Phone 312-485-0263.
- Illinois State Museum
- Corner of Spring and Edwards, Springfield, IL 62706.
- The Field Museum
- Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496; Phone 312-922-9410.
- Judy Istock Butterfly Haven
- Peggy Notabaert Nature Museum
- Chicago, Illinois, just North of Lincoln Park Zoo
Mesker Park Botanic Garden- Opened May 9, 1998. 2421 Bement Ave., Evansville, IN 47712; Phone 812-428-0715. Open May - October 10am-4pm; $1 admission.
- White River Gardens
- Over 1500 butterfly pupae received weekly from Africa, Costa Rica, and Florida. Through the Summer the population builds until there are 1,000 to 1,500 flying at any one time. Indianapolis Zoo 1200 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46222 317-630-2001
- Potawatomi Zoo
- 500 S. Greenlawn South Bend, IN 46615 574.288.4639 • info@potawatomizoo.org A seasonal Butterfly House that has exotic butterflies from Central America, South America and Southeast Asia/Australia. It is open from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Reiman Gardens- Iowa State University
- 1407 Elwood Drive
- Ames, Iowa 50011
- Phone - (515) 294-2710
- Kansas State University Gardens
- 2021 Throckmorton Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506; Phone: (785) 532-6170. The Butterfly Exhibit is a free-flight butterfly exhibit and provides an interactive experience for both the visitors and the butterflies.
Botanica - The Wichita Gardens- 701 Amidon, Wichita, KS 67203; Phone 316-264-0448; click HERE for more details from David Denholm.
Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory & Gardens- South Deerfield, MA; Phone 413-665-2805
- The Butterfly Place
- 120 Tyngsboro Road, Westford, MA; Phone: (978) 392-0955. 3,100 sq. ft. glass atrium with up to 500 butterflies representing as many as 50 different species from around the world. Open March - October.
- Butterfly Garden at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
- South Wellfleet, WA
Baltimore Zoo- Baltimore, MD.
- Horsehead Wetlands Center
- Grasonville, MD; Phone 410-827-6694
- Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly Show
- Wheaton, MD; Phone 301-962-1453. May 8, 2004 - Sept. 19, 2004; 10am - 4pm daily.
Wings of Mackinac Butterfly Conservatory- 7528 Carriage Road, P.O. Box 901, Mackinac Island, MI 49757 906 847-9464, marie@mackinacisland.org Wings of Mackinac is an all glassed in free flying butterfly conservatory with controlled heating and cooling system. Take a carriage ride to visit us or we are just a short walk from downtown just past the Grand Hotel. Experience hundreds of butterflies dancing and chasing each other filled with lush tropical plants. Wings of Mackinac is open May-October every day. Also enjoy our children's garden surrounding the conservatory. Lots of ideas for your own garden.
- Dow Gardens
- 1809 Eastman Avenue, Midland, MI 48640, Phone: 989-631-2677 lumbert@dowgardens.org 'Butterflies in Bloom' exhibit in the Dow Gardens' conservatory features lush foliage plants and colorful flowers housing 1000s of tropical butterflies. March-April every year (Call for exact dates).Butterfly house is open daily 10am-4pm. Or join us for "Late Night with the Butterflies" on Wednesdays, until 730pm. Admission costs just $1 for kids or students, 5 and under are free! Adults pay $5 for general admission, or buy an annual pass for $10. Admission also gets you into Whiting Forest, 40 acres of woodland, just a 1/4 mile up the road.
- Binder Park Zoo
- 7400 Division Street, Battle Creek, MI 49017.
- Foremost's Butterflies are Blooming
- Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, MI, Phone 616-957-1580. Open March 1 - April 30 each year.
- Detroit Zoological Park
- 8450 W. 10 Mile road, Royal Oak, MI 48068.
- John Ball Zoological Garden
- 201 Market Street, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.
- Mackinac Island Butterfly House
- Sawyers Greenhouse, 1308 McGaulpin, Mackinac Island, MI 49757, Phone 906-847-3972.
- Martha G. Parfet Butterfly House
- Kalamazoo Nature Center, 7000 N. Westnedge Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49004; 616-381-1574 ; butterflies in summer only.
- Michigan State University Butterfly House
- Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Phone 517-355-1803.
- Saginaw Children's Zoo
- 1435 S. Washington, Saginaw, MI 48601.
Minnesota Zoo- Apple Valley, MN; Phone 800-366-7811
- The Butterfly Place
- Branson, MO; Phone: 417-332-2231. 9,000 sq. ft. glass building with up to 2,000 free-flying butterflies representing 50 or more different species from around the world.
- Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House
- Faust Park, Chesterfield, MO; Phone: 636-530-0076. Open year-round.
- St. Louis Zoological Park
- Forest Park, St. Louis, MO 63110.
- Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo
- The Butterfly and Insect Pavilion 3701 S. 10th Street, Omaha, NB68107, Phone 402-733-8400
- Camden City Garden Club's Butterfly Garden
- 3 Riverside Drive, Camden, NJ 08103, Phone 856-365-8733.
- Four Seasons Butterfly House
- Cape May Bird Observatory
- P.O. Box 3, Cape May Point, NJ 08212, Phone 609-884-2736.
- Kate Gorrie Memorial Butterfly House
- Buttinger Nature Center, Pennington, NJ, Phone (609) 737-7592.
American Museum of Natural History- Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024-5192 , Phone 212-769-5100.
- Hudson Valley Nursery
- 2709 Route 17M, New Hampton NY 10958
- "We open our exhibit Mother's Day weekend 2010. It's a beautiful exhibit featuring all native butterflies."
- Butterfly Zone, The Bronx Zoo
- Fordham Rd & Bronx River Parkway, Bronx, NY; Phone 718-367-1010.
- Adirondack Park Agency Visitor Interpretive Center
- The Paul Smiths VIC opened its Native Species Butterfly House in 1993. Observe native Adirondack butterflies and moths in all stages of development in this enclosed outdoor structure operated by staff and volunteer naturalists. Open 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. from mid-June to Labor Day.
- Route 30, Paul Smiths, N.Y. 12970, (518) 327-3000
- Dancing Wings Butterfly Garden
- Strong Museum, Rochester, NY
- The first and only year-round indoor butterfly garden in Upstate New York. A lush rain-forest environment and walk among approximately 800 brilliantly-colored, free-flying tropical and native butterflies that flutter about (and may even land on shoulders or hands). A paved path leads guests through tropical foliage and two water features, including a cascading waterfall. Visit the chrysalis case and see emerging butterflies.
- Sweetbriar Nature Center
- Smithtown, NY
North Carolina Zoological Park - Asheboro, NC
- Museum of Life and Science
- 443 Murray Ave, Durham, NC 27704. 919-220-5429. Check website for current exhibits.
- Catawba Science Center
- Hickory, NC - butterfly exhibit every two or three years. Check website for schedule.
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden- 3400 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45220, Phone 513-281-4700 or 800-94-HIPPO.
- Cleveland Botanical Garden
- 11030 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
- 216.721.1600 info@cbgarden.org
- Butterfly House
- 11455 Obee Road
- Whitehouse Ohio 43571
- 419-877-2733 dwheeler@butterfly-house.com
- The Butterfly House contains over 500 butterflies with many different species from North & South America and Asia. The facility was built with the idea of developing beautiful gardens in a controlled environment to exhibit butterflies to the general public. An opportunity to learn about the life cycle of the butterfly and how to promote a healthy environment for these special insects will be provided as well.
- Krohn Conservatory
- One of the most fascinating and entertaining events held at the Conservatory is the annual Butterfly Show. Countless butterflies are released to fly freely within the Conservatory's showroom, adding yet another blaze of color to an already charming display. Cincinnati, OH. Phone 513-421-5707.
- Franklin Park Conservatory
- Butterflies and Blooms Exhibit - over 100 species from 5 continents fly free in a 50,000 sq foot Pacific Islands and cloud forest exhibit. Visitors can watch the emerging of 100's of butterflies from pupae in our Emergence Center. 1777 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH
- Butterfly House at Cox Arboretum and Gardens
- Dayton, OH
Oklahoma City Zoo's Butterfly Garden- Oklahoma City, OK; Phone:(405) 424-3344. Flowers in Flight: The Butterfly Experience, which is located on the north side of the Pachyderm Building, houses 200 to 300 butterflies representing 12 species native to the United States. The exhibit can be accessed from inside the Pachyderm Building and is open on a seasonal basis, during the months of mid-May through September. The exhibit is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.
- Tulsa Zoo's Wings of Wonder
- Tulsa, OK; Open May 6 through October 8.
Oregon Zoo- 4001 SW Canyon Road, Portland, OR 97221.
- Butterflies Forever
- Seaside, OR; Exhibit open Memorial Day through September.
Academy of Natural Science's Butterfly Exhibit- Philadelphia, PA; Phone 215-299-1000.
- Hershey Gardens
- Hershey, PA
- Philadelphia Zoo
- Philadelphia, PA.
Newport Butterfly Zoo - 409 Bulgarmarsh Road, Tiverton, RI, Phone 401-849-9519. http://community-2.webtv.net/butterflyzoo/HowtoGetHere/
- Congaree Swamp Natl Monument - Native Plant Butterfly Garden
- Hopkins, SC
- Roper Mtn Science Center's Butterfly Garden
- Roper Mtn Rd just off Exit 37 on I-385 in Greenville, SC; Phone 864-281-1188.
The Outdoor Campus' Butterfly Garden- Sioux Falls, SD; (605) 362-2777
- Sertoma Butterfly House
- Sioux Falls, SD; (605) 334-9466. Neo-tropical exhibit of 900 or more free-flying butterflies. Open daily, year round.
Butterfly Emporium- Dollywood, TN.
- San Antonio Zoo
- San Antonio, TX. Open mid-March until November.
- Zilker Botanical Gardens
- Austin, TX
- Texas Discovery Gardens
- Dallas, TX; Phone: 214-428-7476. Seasonal.
- Wildseed Farm's Butterfly Haus
- 425 Wildflower Hills, Fredericksburg, TX; Phone: 800-848-0078. Walk amongst butterflies feeding and flying in this 3,000 square foot exhibit.
- Moody Gardens
- Galveston Island, TX
- House of Butterflies
- Waxahachie, Texas
- 972.333.1653
- Now entering its fifth year, the House of Butterflies is a free-flight butterfly exhibit where hundreds of butterflies, and the occasional cecropia moth, are housed during the Scarborough Faire season, feeding off the nectar from dozens of species of early blooming, native Texas plants.
- Fort Worth Zoological Park Insectarium
- 2727 Zoological Park Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76110-1787, Phone 817-870-7057.
- The Cockerell Butterfly Center
- Houston Museum of Natural Science, One Herman Circle Drive, Houston, TX 77030, Phone 713-639-4678.
- Yeager Butterfly Farm
- 570 William Drive, Pearsall, TX 78061.
- Cushing Butterfly Farm
- 1512 Jenny Lane, Richmond, TX.
- Valley Nature Center
- 301 S Border, Weslaco, TX; Phone 210-969-2475.
- River Bend Nature Center
- Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly Conservatory 2200 3rd Street, Wichita Falls, TX 76301; Phone 940-767-0843 Initially conceived and built as a home for native butterflies, the Ruby N. Priddy Conservatory has grown far beyond a butterfly house since it opened to the public in the spring of 2007. Visitors will find a fascinating cross-section of the plants, insects, and other animals that make their living on five ecoregions of Texas and Southern Oklahoma.
- Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens
- 22306 Aldine Westfield Road, Humble, Texas 77338-1071
- Phone: (281) 443-8731; Fax: (281) 209-9767; E-mail: mercerarboretum@hcp4.net
- Mercer is open every day of the year except: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
Butterfly Station at Danville Science Center- Butterfly Greenhouse in Danville, VA. Seasonal exhibit.
- Butterflies, Bugs 'n Blooms
- Virginia Living Museum, Newport News, VA
- Bristow Butterfly Habitat at Norfolk Botanical Gardens
- Azalea Garden Road, Norfolk, VA - 3-acre habitat for butterflies and moths; Phone 757-441-5838.
- Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
- 1800 Lakeside Ave., Richmond, VA; Phone: (804) 262-9887. Over 400 North American butterflies live in this enclosed exhibit. Open May 29 - October 31.
- Tropical Butterfly House and Insect Village
- Seattle, WA (Pacific Science Center
- Woodland Park Zoo's Butterfly Garden
- Seattle, WA; Phone:(206) 684-4800. 3,900 square foot exhibit of free-flying butterflies.
Hixon Forest Nature Center- Hixon Forest Nature Center, located in the beautiful bluff country of La Crosse, WI, is opening a butterfly garden in the summer of 2002.
- Puelicher Butterfly Wing
- Milwaukee, WI; Milkwaukee Public Museum; permanent exhibit.
- Mosquito Hill Nature Center's Butterfly House
- New London, WI - Open from July - August. Contact Jim Anderson, naturalist, at 920-779-6433.
- Conwy Butterfly Jungle
- Bodlondeb Park
- Conwy
- LL32 8DU
- Phone: 01492 593149
- Fax: 01492 593149
- Website: http://www.conwy-butterfly.co.uk/
- Email: info@conwy-butterfly.co.uk
- Plantasia
- Parc Tawe
- Swansea
- Phone: 01792 474555
- Website: http://www.swansea.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1272
- Pili Palas (Butterfly Palace)
- Pennmynydd Road
- Menai Bridge
- Anglesey LL59 5RP
- Phone: 01248 712474
- Website: http://www.pilipalas.co.uk/
- Email: gloyn@pilipalas.co.uk
- Saith Ffynnon Farm
- Whitford
- Holywell
- Phone: 01352 711198
- Fax: 01352 716 777
- Website: http://www.northwalesbutterflies.org.uk
- Email: Jan@7wells.org
- Magic of Life Butterfly House
- Cwm Rheidol
- Aberystwyth
- Ceredigion, SY23 3NB
- Phone: 01970 880928
- Website: http://magicoflife.org/
- Email: info@magicoflife.org
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