Selasa, 02 November 2010

Museum Butterflies of the World

Museum Butterflies of the World
With this name has been created in the República Argentina, in fact in San Miguel's town, County of Buenos Aires, an entomological museum that harbors important collections of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and diverse exotic arthropods of the whole world. Their characteristics, exclusivity in the topic and diversity of the Entomofauna of the Planet;  makes that everything, together to the scientific norms of assembly and meeting of data, transform it into a sample unpublished and great value like study source and comparison, declared of Municipal and Provincial Cultural Interest.

The collections are composed for more than 70.000 properly classified, mounted and presented copies some of them in concave cabinets that allow to observe and to admire fully the specímenes that integrate it. This work was created by the author of the book "Argentinean Butterflies", Mister Andrés Eugenio Varga, who from his childhood  has been roused by the wonderful world of the insects. The constant gathering expeditions and report next to his wife Marina Norma Gustin de Varga (Nerina), for diverse Continents, rural regions and the permanent exchanges at international level,  have allowed him at the moment to conform this invaluable Cultural and Scientific
patrimony that has been classified by many experts and Argentinean and foreign professionals, like one of the most beautiful and taken care collections.

The intention of Mr. Varga when created the Museum, is perpetuating in the República Argentina this unique sample, achieved after a great sacrifice and personal dedication, transforming it into a wealthy didactic source for the society, and more important still, to promote the knowledge of these inferior organisms, its characteristics and the importance of its existence like insustituible link of the biological chain in the ecosystem. Their creator affirms: "If this work catches the interest of our youths and it is the impeller stimulus for a professional future in the matter, it already justifies all carried out effort."

The Museum has exhibition living rooms, projection room and shops, laboratory, greenhouse for the breeding of autochthonous copies, library and a historical file on specific topics. In their collections, an important sample of insects is included fossilized in amber as well as diverse insects and exotic arachnidanes of the whole world. In the laboratory and acclimatized hothouse, the scholars, in a direct contact,  can admire the birth and transformation of different typical lepidopterous of the area,
they are also offered to the educational members, the necessary support to continue the didactic campaign in their respective schools, with delivery of bibliographical material and freeshops for the conformation of cabinets or rooms of Natural Sciences. in this way, our youths come closer to this wonderful world of the insects, and as a game, they  insentivate to be themselves. From their homes and study places, the repairmen of our Nature,
reconstituting the necessary hábitat, with their typical flora and  fauna.

The infrastructure of the building has been adapted especially for the preservation of its invaluables collections, maintaining in its interior a temperature and adapted degree of humidity, with isolation in walls, filters to avoid the damages of the solar light, etc.. contrary to other museums, the Museum  Butterflies of the World is the only one that offers the possibility to exhibit the real and more representative copies to the whole public that

Italia 650 San Miguel (C.P. 1663)
Provincia de  Buenos Aires
Republica Argentina
Telefax: (54 11) 4664-2108

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