Senin, 15 November 2010

Peacock 'Eyes' Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly - Ann Burnett
Peacock Butterfly - Ann Burnett
The Peacock butterfly is one of the most common butterflies found in the UK. It is spread throughout most of the country and is pushing north into even the Hebrides.   
This common British butterfly is easily identifiable by its distinctive patterning.

Peacock 'Eyes'

The butterfly has reddish-brown wings, each with an 'eye' like that on a peacock's feathers. This patterning is used to deter predators. The underside of the Peacock butterfly is a dark brown with only faint patterning. When the wings are closed, it resembles a dried leaf and again will escape detection by predators.

Habitat of the Peacock Butterfly

The Peacock is found throughout the UK, though it is less common in parts of Scotland. However, due to climate change, it is moving further north into the Highlands and North-east Scotland. It inhabits gardens, parks, woodlands and any area where nettles, the favourite food of its caterpillars, grow.

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